Oral presentations:
The time frame for each paper presentation is 15 minutes, including questions and discussions with the audience.
Each presentation room will be equipped with a laptop and a video projector. All presenters are kindly asked to use this system, rather than connecting their own device to the projector. Please have your presentation on a USB memory stick and bring it to the designated room with 10 minutes before the session starts. A colleague from the organizing committee will assist you to copy your presentation to the available laptop.
The presentation slides have to be compatible with the available system: allowable extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .pdf. If videos are included, they should run under Windows 7 OS without necessitating additional codecs.
Poster presentations:
Your work is to be presented in the form of a poster. Thus, you have to bring your own poster, in A1 size – portrait orientation (width 594 mm x height 841 mm). Please bring your poster in the designated room with 20 minutes before your session starts. A colleague from the organizing committee will help you to fix your poster on the panel – materials as adhesive tape and pins will be available in the room.
During the session, each poster will be given a maximum 10 minutes time interval for oral presentation and discussions with the audience, as coordinated by the session’s chairs. In addition, each presenter is expected to be available for promoting the presented work and for additional discussions throughout the whole session.
Optional poster printing service:
Please note that there are no poster-printing devices on-site.
Should you feel uncomfortable to travel to Sinaia with a poster, we can provide the printing and delivering service for a 15 Euro fee. For this, you have to inform us and send the poster in electronic form before October 9th, 2017, via email to icstcc2017@tuiasi.ro. Acceptable file extensions are .ppt, .pptx and .pdf, color and with correct size.
Thank you in advance for satisfying the presentation guidelines!